+49 170 2704353

Prof. Dr. Andreas Dengel
I am a scientist specializing in immersive learning, computer science education and media education. In addition to my current research projects at the University of Würzburg, I advise companies, public institutions and private individuals on the targeted use of immersive media. I also offer advanced training for teachers on combining digital media with traditional teaching methods.
I am active in national and international research projects. My work has been awarded various research prizes. For those interested, my list of publications offers an overview of my previous research.

curriculum vitae
(University of Passau)
2012 – 2016
Studied teaching for high schools with subjects in computer science and economics, completing state examination
Bachelor of Education for teaching at secondary schools (computer science, business)
Research Associate
(University of Passau)
2016 – 2019
Project position in the field of computer science didactics in the SKILL project of the University of Passau to improve teacher training
Ph.D. Studies
2017 – 2020
Interdisciplinary doctorate for Dr. phil. between educational science (Prof. Dr. Jutta Mägdefrau, University of Passau) and computer science didactics (Prof. Dr. Tim Bell, University of Canterbury, NZ), final grade magna cum laude
(Röntgen-Gymnasium Würzburg)
2019 – 2020
Part-time computer science teacher
Research Associate / Postdoc
(University of Würzburg)
2019 - today
Employee at the Chair of School Education including Media Education & Educational Technology (MEET) Lab, participation in the VARyFAST project
Professor für Didaktik der Informatik
(Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main)
2021 – heute
Inhaber der Professur für Didaktik der Informatik,
Head of the ECSE Lab Frankfurt am Main